Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Six weeks.....ALREADY!

Six weeks ago Morgan got to go on a fun "GIRLS" outing. We have been trying for years to get her to stop sucking her fingers. The goal was if she stopped, she would get her ears pierced. She stopped towards the end of winter and it took me this long to honor my word...What a beautful little princess with her new "BLING"....

** Before **

** During **

This is as bad as she got, no tears actually fell from her eyes, they just filled up that was it! What a brave little girl. Oh and by the way, she had to do one at a time!

Now that it has been six weeks since the time of her piercings, she gets to take out the earings and can put different ones in. I am fine if she just wants to leave them in for as long as possible, who knows what it will be like to actually see if she will let me take them out!

** After **

You are such a BEAUTIFUL little girl Morgan, I can't believe how fast you are growing up! I love you!


Anonymous said...

She sure does love her earing, doesn't she?!? What a cutie!

P.S. I love all the updates Carrie! Keep it up!

Natalie said...

What a sad "during" face... I am glad she is happy with her earrings now.