Saturday, October 4, 2008

First Grade!

Wow....Am I really this far behind? A little over a month ago, Morgan
got to start the First Grade! I can not believe how time flies, it seems
she just went to Pre-School. So far, she is totally loving school. She
loves recess and lunch time. Morgan is such a sweetheart, the other
day when picking her up from school her teacher stopped me (she does the cross walk in front) and wanted to tell me what had happened that day. Here is the story.... Since the beginning of school, her class has been
learning that they are a "NUT FREE ZONE!" She has a little girl in her class who has extremely bad peanut allergies. Morgan has been loving the fact that I have made her a "HOME LUNCH" for the last few weeks.
A reward her group had received for getting 10 points was that they got to eat lunch in the classroom with her teacher. They were so excited, but Morgan realized that she was on the same table as this girl with the nut allergies, and Morgan had brought a PB&Honey sandwich from home. Her teacher told me that Morgans eyes filled up with tears and was so worried that she was going to make this little girl sick and have to go to the hospital because she had the PB on her sandwich. Morgan has always been such a loving caring little girl and I can not believe how time flies. What a sweetheart you are I love you!


Anonymous said...

What a cute story, and a cute girl! When I was talking with her tonight she said the best thing about school was recess.

We love her so much!

Natalie said...

What a sweetheart! Carson's classroom is also nut free... It's hard to remember to not pack peanut butter crackers/granola bars for his end of the day snack. We were told that PB for lunches were OK since the child with allergies sits at a separate table. The teacher should've been more on top of that one.

The two of you ought to fly out here! The girls would have so much fun...